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Things I Love

Interests: Interests
Used Book Shop


I absolutely enjoy reading. This is a recent hobby that I picked up at the beginning of this year and so far, I have read over 30 books. I read mostly non-fiction books but also horror fiction books.  

I especially enjoy reading autobiographies of individuals who have changed the world. By reading, I have gained a huge amount of knowledge and able to learn the values set by remarkable individual.

The best non- fiction book that I have read is Mother Teresa autobiography.  In this book, it talks about the struggle and challenges she had endured in her life but always remained faithful to God. 

The best fiction book I have read is Stephen King's, 'Needful Things'. The story was gripping from start to finish & I finished about 3/4 of the book in a day! 
Finally, I make notes on certain books that I have read to learn the message or values it has. 

Underwater Dive

Swimming in Lake Michigan, Chicago

During the Summers of 2015 - 2020, I have being swimming in Lake Michigan at Promontory Point on the south side of Chicago. I find it very challenging going up against the waves but get a sense of fulfillment when I am able to overcome it. I try to go as many times as I can in the summer and if possible, in the fall.

Boxers on the Ring


I have taken to learn the art of boxing in Fall of 2015. I have never learned so much in a single sport than boxing.

I was inspired to learn boxing by Mr Dewey Bozella who won the Arthur Ashe Courage Award in the ESPY's 2011. He was incarcerated for 26 years for a crime he did not commit. 

He said boxing gave him the freedom he needed to get him through his time in prison. 

I wanted to find this and got myself involved in boxing. I believe I have found a fraction of this and I hope to continue finding it. 

Soccer Goal Shot

Football (Soccer)

While growing up, I played football in primary, secondary and part of my university years. I just enjoy playing the game and have participated in many tournamenets. There is just something about kicking a ball that I find relaxing and calming. I can play for hours with friends even though I am injured or worn out.  
I was President of my High School club and Vice President of Indoor Football Club in University. I was part of the university team which won the National Private University's Indoor Soccer Competition in 2016. 
My favourite team is Machester United and I have been supporting them for more than 15 years through its ups and down.

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